Blurple opened up the show with their quirky acoustic quasi-political catchy, fun, spirited vibe. They were a perfect beginning to the evening, infusing the room with good cheer.
After a sgort set up break for Clutter, Blurple returned to the stage to perform "the blurple song" with Clutter as their backing band. This collaboration worked out beautifully, I would love for it to happen again........
from "the blurple song" Clutter took over. The early part of the set was LOUD but very energetic. I personally put ear plugs in which made me play louder. We kept at a pretty high volume for a while until Cameron told me to tone it down because we were blasting out the neighbors. This was a welcome suggestion because i felt we were losing a sense of dynamic with everyone going full force for that long. From that point on, I was extremely volume conscious and was directing peoples volume, if they were too loud i asked them to lower a bit. This can be a touchy thing to do with a room full of musicians who are there to express themselves, I'm trying hard not to sound authoritative or controlling but sometimes people just need to be lower because the sound can quickly get way out of control. This has taken me a lot of time to get to the point where i can control the volume without completely killing the spirit of freedom, it will be a lifetime of work and development but I like the steps that it is taking at this point, and i feel it can only improve and become more of a natural gravtation towards reasonable volume and dynamics. Loud is really good, but there need to be a balance of soft for it to really have a great effect. Dynamics are key to this situation and being able to hear nuances is also very important, it makes for a more uplifting unifying experience. What i want to master is the art of lowering the volume but not lowering the intensity.
Last night once the volume was a bit more in control, there were some very epic moments, it made space for some very beautiful vocal drones and textural atmospheres.
After a 20 minute break Chris D. took stage to start he next set with solo music called I Say Fuck. His muic was dark, hypnotic, repetitive and beautiful. I had a bit of trouble getting his sound through the PA but once it was there, it soothing the whole room. Wonderful job of controlling dynamics. When joe A added some droning on top of Chris, I was in pure heaven. I Say Fuck eventually morphed back into Clutter for the remainder of the evening. There was some cool drum n' bass type moments in the second set................
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who was a part of this last performance.
I am looking for bands and performers of any kind to book for monday nights to come.
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